Sunday, April 10, 2011

About me.

Hello!I'm Nikky.I live in Taiwan Taipei.Welecome to my blog!!!!

Friday, April 8, 2011

Wow! Justen Bieber will come to Taiwan on May 15, 2011!

A famous singer, Justen Bieber will come to Taiwan on May15th. He will sing lots of songs for us. I really really want to go to see him, but my mom said no. Everyone is so crazy about him. Some of my friends already got the tickets, they are so happy!!! Did you get the ticket yet? If you can, and you diden't get it yet, why not get it right now?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Here are some of my art work, I had fun making them.

These are my favorite drawings. You are welecome to take a look!!  I have been drawing ever since I was three years old. Drawing makes me fell very happy!