Thursday, August 4, 2011


Yeah~!Relax with cousins in grandpa's home.The two cousins,the boy is my Japan'aunt's son;the girl was my anogher aunt's daughter.If you want to be relax,be with your family or friend,or go far far away from the city!Breathe
some fresh air!!! *-*
~see how happy we are~


2011 Summer camp

2011 Summer camp


yeah~ Relay with my cousins in the country side!I wear yellow clothes,my sister Emily was 10 years old,the little girl is my aunt's daughter,the boy was my little aunt's son(they live in Japan),They were 1 years old.If you want to relax,stay with your family or friends,or just go to the countryside and breath fresh air 1 ﹡﹡
~see how happy we was!~