Monday, July 18, 2016

Long time no see~

    Hey ! It's been forever since I last write things on my blog~~ But ! I promise I will start writing every day (I'll do my best/*u*/)
    But before stories or pictures, I want to do something I never done, it's to introduce myself!

    My name is Nikky, my mom actually spell it wrong when she name me, actually none of my family speaks English or even went to a western country before. I am 17 years old, my birthday is in 11/11/1999, I was born in a tradition Taiwan family that my grandpa thinks girls can't do better than boys and no one in my family graduate from university, I love my family and I love my country a lot,'s many teachers said to me, I was born in the wrong place, I love to act and climb trees and catch bugs, I love to talk and volunteer in every things, I always ask a lots of questions and I hate to memorize math--which we did it a lot in Taiwan....My friends love me and I got many friends, but they usually think i'm weird and thought I did it one purpose. And that's why I had a big dream since I was a little girl, is to go to an university in USA! Because my family knows nothing about applying to an university in USA, so unlike my other friends who also wanted to go study aboard, I had to do all the research and study by myself, but I believe I will success and my dream will come true and my grandpa will finally agree girls CAN do better than boys!!

    Let's talk about my interest. I love to draw, act, play guitar, piano, sing, write stories, read novels, read books, watch movies(expect for scary movies).....and so on. And that's what I'm going to start doing now, I'm going to start posting stories that I told my friends or the kids in my home, also I'm going to start posting my drawings here.
    I actually have a very bad memory, and I type very slow(because I am not allow to use computer until senior high), so I already forget what else I want to say > <(sorry~)but I'll tell you guys as soon as I remember. For those who finish reading this passage thanks a lot I really love you ~and if you got ANY question, feel free to ask <3
    OK it's 1:00 am now in Taipei, so good night !!
(I'm the one in the LEFT side thank you)

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